
Wednesday, 27 April 2011

The Tears of Exams

So here I am revising land, adverse possession. I have started revising EU, free movement of goods and as I go along it all becomes clearer and not as daunting as I first thought. But I guess that is what it is all about. You start off scared out of your wits with the impending doom of exams but as you go on and revisit all of your work it all does actually become clear and you realise “hey, wait. I actually do know what it is I am going on about”
But even in all this knowledge, it does not actually make you feel that much better. Perhaps in a few weeks time or rather more hopefully I will be able to address all the problems of the law topics I have chosen.
But readers, I feel like crying. I am at a point where I just want to give up. Regardless of the effort put in, I know deep inside I could do so much better. I have only myself to blame if things go wrong but I know also that I will do my best, I will strive and I will work hard to make this go better. The tears are there, how can they not be? My whole educational life is on the line. I know I am not alone. No one said this would be easy. All good things in life need continuous hard work. Remember that.
My heart races as each minute passes by, I cannot help but have a heavy feeling on my heart. But surely I will rise up to this challenge like so many other challenges I have faced and I will come through.

Just keep the hope alive.

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