
Friday, 15 April 2011

Easter Revision

It is the second day of proper revision in the library. I arrived at around ten-ish and guess what? It was completely empty, I do find that surprising as exams are only a matter of a few weeks away but hey each to their own.
Things will only just get harder in these coming weeks, it terrifies me. Already I am so tired and fed up of having to work so hard, wishing that I was naturally smart so that I needn’t put so much effort in to revision and even all this effort puts more fear into me that I may not do so well. All I can do is hope and keep at it. Keep up the early mornings, the journey to Uni library to revise, keep writing. I keep hoping that against all odds I will make it through and that after this perilous journey life will get easier.
Not in the best of moods, dearest readers, my heart if full of fear, terrified, petrified of all this.
I guess on the up hand in these two days I have managed to completely update my notes on Adverse Possession; my chosen topic for Land law, a two hour exam, which leaves me with TOLATA, hopefully achievable in another two days. Still must conquer EU, Criminal and Torts.
Voices surround me, everyone discusses assignments, coursework, dissertation and exams, soon the journey will be over. Temporarily. Come September/October the race shall commence again and we will be jogging through the murky waters, fighting off vines, getting cuts and bruises till we come to the finishing line.
I envy those with wealth and fortune enough never to work hard.
I remember a conversation long ago with a friend. I agree. If only we could live off a farm, grow our own vegetables, rear our own cattle, milk our own cows. Life is wasted on trivialities such as bills, houses, cars even education comes at a high price. Give me a mud hut, a few horses, some chickens, goats, sheep, a cow, let me live off the natural fat of the land. Let me be a poet, a philosopher, an artists and even a singer living off music, poetry, philosophy and the arts. Let us not worry about bills, rent, tax – the cost of life. Live under the stars with hay and grass as our beds.
Someone tell me, where is such a dream true?
I continue my fight, feeling all alone but knowing I am not...

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