Whilst we enjoy all this marvellous snow, playing, fighting, taking pictures; whilst we commute in the warmth and with the masses towards our small, warm homes take a moment to think of the homeless man. Think and feel of the bitter, harsh nights they spend on the frozen, ice cold floor.
Whilst we warm our hands on hot chocolates, tea and coffee... think of the hands of the homeless man. Think and feel the frost bite.
He has nothing to keep him warm, to keep him safe.
Whilst we stuff ourselves on food in fancy restaurants, take a moment whilst walking past the lonely, homeless man and feel his hunger... turn back, offer him food. And yes, it is better to teach him to fish but feed his hunger and you give him energy to fight, to survive, to live the next day. Whilst going on your journey though life take a moment to have compassion, empathy, mercy.
Give warmth, give shelter, and give love.
Remember that person which all life has forgotten and bring him back some life. One act of kindness goes so far.
Do not forget that whilst we are so fortunate there are those out there who are unlike us. Destiny has been cruel to them so let us never forget.
And to you dear Cynic!! Think not that they may squander you kindness on cigarettes, drugs, alcohol etc instead find the solution offer food or a hot drink, a pair of gloves. Mankind is not all so evil.
Have hope dear child!
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