
Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Boo & Be

How frustrating I have misplaced the other blog that I had prepared but fear not my thought shall never cease to flow. These last few weeks have been packed with revision and work. Exams and coursework loom over me like a dreaded grey cloud that refuses to pass over.

At the start of this I had told you, dear child, that I would take you on a journey through life and all of its vast beauty and its ugliness. How is it so far?? Is the message getting across? I can only do this whilst reflecting on personal experiences.

EU coursework is due. The paper version lies in front of me. I should hand it in but I refuse till this is done. My brain aches to write something of use.

Already half the year has passed and so much has happened. I have become independent, stronger than I could ever hope to be. There have been plenty of times when life gets too much. Times where I have felt close to the end but here I am standing strong.
Where am I going with this, I hear you ask. Well I have mentioned to not rely on anyone, it is not an easy task once your trust has been shattered just once too many times but there are people out there who regardless of their idiotic, thoughtless comments are there and will remain beside you and continue to stand beside you even whilst you are going through hell and even when you spurn them away. They will remain standing in your shadow waiting for you to fall so that they can catch you in their arms.

So for this week’s blog I dedicate this to Boo & Be.

Who are they? They are the two halves of my heart. When I come crumbling down, when all else shatters like glass... they remain my roots, keeping me strong when the wind blows to harsh. They are the sun and the moon keeping my path alight. They are the ones I am ever staring at basking in their light. And yes, they can be foolish in their words, their actions will never meet what their hearts intend but I cannot be blind to everything they have given me. Likewise for you dear child, you may refuse to believe in the people around you but open up your eyes and let your heart embrace the truth.

These two are the ingredients which make up me. July2007 when my world was crushed yet again, when I had truly given up, when education, music, even those quotes I share with you could not save me it was Boo’s hug that kept my hope alive.

“Hope is one of the things that you cannot live without...”
~Leroy Douglas~

Sometimes in life no words are necessary.

And dear child let me tell you it was enough to keep me going, enough to keep me alive. And now here I am standing tall before you. There are a few people who will say its nothing. And yes, it is hard to ignore such time wasters but continue to fight and you will rise higher.

So to my dearest heart Boo Ninu, thank you for everything. It is a cliché but there are no words to express just how much I love you.
The world is blessed to have your beauty in its presence.


  1. Awww, thats so beautiful, my baby sister such a poet these days, watching you grow up into a strong, gorgeous sexy n independant young lady- am so proud to say my baby sister- would do anything to keep you happy n see that smile on your face - love you always... xXx ninu

  2. :-)
    this is bday present Number One
    More is one the way hehehe

    Happy b-day to the most beautiful girl ever!!!
    love you forever!!!
