
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

My Exams

So here I am trying to revise for my first exam which is on Company law and I just cannot get over how useless exams actually are. I mean we all think it but here is me putting it out there in my way. In the grand scheme of life there is very rarely an occasion where one will use the skills learnt in exam in real life. Perhaps the only time you will under such a time constraint is most obviously when you are cooking and the only other example I can think of is perhaps a bomb squad.

Writing up four essays in three hours does not give me any merits rather it gives me and perhaps most other people out there a really big head ache and multiple mini heart attacks. It does not teach me and help me to develop my writing skills, it puts me under immense pressure to write as much gibberish as possible with the worst possible handwriting I could ever conjure up.

Out in the real world we will, of course, have many deadlines to meet so why most courses carry a bigger weighting for exams i.e. law 70% exam is beyond me!

I move to suggest that exams should be minimised and greater weighting given to coursework’s. This of course probably emanating from the frustration revision gives you.

15th May 2012

For Company I decided to tackle the corporate veil and directors duties yet again, then s.172 which states that a director has a duty to promote the success of a company but must have regard to certain factors and finally articles of association which is basically the company’s constitution. That is correct Company and Partnership Law four big questions for one to complete in a matter of 3 hours and 15 minutes and even though I thought I couldn’t manage it I at least answered my four chosen questions. For Company is over.

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