There has been many up’s and down’s over the period from
which I first began writing these blogs. Most times I have had so many
difficulties over studying and revising and completing coursework’s and I have
focused on how difficult this was. However, despite the difficulties and the
desire to dramatically change my career path, Law as you know is something I
have always wanted to study but whilst having one’s head buried deep within the
books it is so very difficult to appreciate the beauty of the Law, of the text
that one reads, so difficult whilst trying to decipher the intricate and
detailed language of the Law one cannot appreciate the beauty of the language.
And despite occasionally my frustration at exams and the course itself I do
realise just how lucky I am to have been able to study such a prestigious
course, to have been accepted at this university and to have made it so far,
that in itself is a major accomplishment. Thinking of the very fact that I have
spent the last four years of my life completing a Law degree hehe...
Woooooooooooooohooooo J
I hope you enjoyed last week’s picture of the Victoria
Sponge. I wanted to explain because I failed to do so in the last blog what I
meant by “modern”. Apparently traditionally a Victoria sponge cake would only
have a jam filling and would in fact be dusted with caster sugar and not icing
sugar as is usually done today. The icing sugar and cream addition is fabulous
though. This week is a coffee and walnut cake with a coffee walnut butter cream
topped with the same butter cream and extra chopped walnuts. Here’s something
I’m not even that big a fan of coffee cake J