
Monday, 16 January 2012

Placement & Other Uni Stuff

This week at placement was actually quite cool. Ever since I have realised and admitted that law is not what I want to do, working there has been a bit easier. It was a bit busy what with coming back after the break. All the solicitors were inundated with so much work. One has to admire just truly how amazing these people are. I don’t think I could ever do what they do but then they must really have a passion for it. Each day these people continuously change other people’s lives and fortune. After making several phone calls I was asked to deliver a bundle to the Royal Courts of Justice. How cool is that?! Despite the whole thing taking four hours to do i.e. travelling there and back, when I got there I was taken aback by the magnificent structure and architecture of the building. Why they still do not make such structures evades me.

Being back at uni is for me a breath of fresh air. There are plenty probably the majority of the mornings where actually I just wanted to hide beneath the covers and keep myself away from the world but that won’t help me. This Thursday was particularly difficult as I tried to delay coming into uni as much as possible but after a while I successfully managed to drag myself out of the house. And actually the lecture was not so bad after all.
The coursework season has begun again with Family, Company and Equity all looming around us. As of yet I have done no preparation due to certain circumstances but as the days go on this shall hopefully all change and I will have it under my control to a certain extent.

Keep working hard everyone! 

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