
Monday, 8 August 2011

For Shame Tottenham!

Dear Tottenham,
What on Earth is wrong with you?! The events of the last few nights have been appalling to say the least. I am disgraced and ashamed at everything that has happened. As if things weren’t bad enough already now it has got worse and I know for sure that we have not seen the last of it.
The streets were deserted, shops looted, businesses ransacked and homes burnt to cinders. Why? Why? Why? Are our lives so fickle that people must move to such stupid measures? Can people not realise that such idiotic acts will not get anyone anywhere? There is only so much violence and thoughtless acts will get you. Fair enough you may be angry and feel things are unjustified but ruining other people’s lives and means of livelihood will make them hate you all the more and these are the people whose support you really need.
But who am I kidding? I am talking to an audience that is not listening, that will not get this message. And yet as always I try.
I have grown up and lived in north London for the fair majority of my life and never have I seen such disgraceful acts right on my door step. Like I said to those of you who read this there is something that our educational establishments cannot teach and that is: courtesy, manners, chivalry, honesty, bravery.... you catch my drift?
Let there be no more of these mindless acts, let there be no more unjustified hate, no more relentless anger.
I am not saying don’t be angry or to ignore the other side’s wrong doing. I am merely saying as many before me have said to use that anger in a constructive manner that will not harm other people’s lives. We need to come together not to go loot Wood Green or Tottenham High Road and burn people’s homes but to strengthen our community, to make our streets safer to walk in, for the next generation to be able to play freely in. We should be proud of our diverse multi-culturism, it should not be something that racist people can attack us on and say to us to go back to our own country. We make London what it is.... diverse, friendly but most importantly welcoming to all others. We need to come together to reinforce this because this is what we really are.

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