
Thursday, 14 October 2010

Why Law?

That year it was like I had been reborn. I had discovered a new me, discovered the self. Something in the universe had snapped, fallen into place, it was a cosmic doing.
War, terrorism, racism, poverty etc had shown me firsthand how sordid the human mind can be. At that point in time I decided my destiny, my fate. A light had been lit that could never be extinguished. As cheesy and childish as it may sound I wanted to change the world. Yes, it is long, gives you much grief and pain but it is so rewarding. When you make that change or help that person you feel a sense of victory. It is not merely about gaining world peace but in the small actions that we carry out which so often go unnoticed and unappreciated.
Leo Buscagalia said it best:

“...“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”


It is no easy task to bring about change for the betterment of mankind but with persistence and determination it can surely be achieved.

Organising local Stop The War demonstrations and numerous charity events were my small steps. I, however, came to the realisation that demo’s and money could only go so far. The root of all things is laid down in society, in the public... the people. Change for the betterment would be achieved through the law; through regulating society... thus the law was my answer!

If we could adapt rules, regulations that dictate how society functions could well improve the way we are.

But of course like with everything else there was a slight problem with that... society has this misconception that the law and rules are meant to be broken.


As I went along my second year doing my re-take I became an ambassador (best job ever!) and then another idea came blazing into me. To inspire, influence, to teach.  Changing the law is one thing but to reach into someone’s heart, to infiltrate their minds and the way people think is an entirely different matter. Eventually in several years to come teaching the masses, the future generations shall become my path.


The law could regulate society and it is a beautiful tool in ensuring order in society when used correctly but it cannot reach the people’s hearts... that can only be done through wisdom, patience, experience and quite simply another person’s heart.

And so the march continues...

 “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”

~ Margaret Mead~

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