So many people have said that once you come to university you will make lifelong friends and in all honesty I never understood this but over these last few years I have met some really amazing people who I know I will never let go or lose touch with.
So I thought I’d write what my personal experiences of the downsides of uni have been. In all honesty I can’t actually say that there are many and the little that I have found are in fact countered by so many other factors.
So for me I think the main downside of uni is knowing that I am surrounded by a number of fake people who do not care about the law but yet ease through it with no hurdles. Of course I don’t know everyone personally so I am making generalisations based on what I have heard and seen. It frustrates me to know that so many people only care about the money they can make and have no real care for the law and what it is meant to mean.
Many students appear to think that after you have completed your law degree and LPC etc. you will simply walk into a training contract. I occasionally think that everyone needs a reality check. Getting employed people is hard! I have also seen first-hand the amount of peer pressure that is around. One would think that at least by university level peer pressure would no longer be an issue but that is not the case. With so many people bragging about their LPC /BVC applications it does actually put people off and instead of being encouraging it is entirely discomforting to them.
Also, no matter where you go you will always have unpleasant people who remain immature and oblivious to other people’s feelings and emotions and have no idea how to present themselves nicely but hey that is life and no one said this would be a walk in the park. I myself keep a nice large distance between such people so it does not affect me but it does affect the close ones around me which is also very frustrating.
However, having said that, there are that small, reliable, amazing group of people who no matter what time of day it is will always make everything so much better. They are the people who to me make my journey to uni worth it and make the whole thing just that little bit more fun. The genuine people who smile at you for real, who talk to you openly and honestly, who giggle at silly things which make you laugh more, who you can go up to in a lecture room and just cry your eyes out to they are the ones who make uni worth it.
(The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the University of Greenwich - Ed.)
(The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the University of Greenwich - Ed.)